Simple C Obfuscation


Recently I've taken an interest in the magnificent and marvelously mystifying wonders of the International Obfuscated C Code Contest.

One entry, anderson 2000, caught my eye. The hint file mentions that hand deobfuscation is the best way to understand how the program, and the program seemed simple enough in function that I might be able to do it, so I did.

This post will detail some techniques you can use to make C programs harder to understand, as learnt from anderson.c.

To help demonstrate, here is a sample program for your viewing pleasure:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>

unsigned char sum(unsigned char a, unsigned char b)
    if (UCHAR_MAX - a < b)
        return 0;
        return a + b;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    if (argc < 3) { return 1; }
    unsigned char a = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 10);
    unsigned char b = strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 10);
    printf("Sum: %i\n", sum(a, b));

The program is simple enough. We take 2 unsigned chars as arguments and print their sum. If their sum would overflow, we print their sum as 0. The only reason these are chars rather than, say, ints, is only so it's easier to hit the max. Let's make it ugly.


Mutable globals are bad practice for a reason. It's trivial to make spaghetti code where variables change inside a function, changing the environment of the caller without any outside indication. Better yet, if these globals are used within other functions, a spaghetti spiderweb is quickly woven across your program.

Since we're obfuscating our code, none of our variable names have any indication of how they should be used. So why should we only use them for one thing? When we're finished using char a in void t() as a temporary variable to swap characters, why not use it in void p() to index an array, or to hold a bitmask? Combine this with other variables' state being very important in later functions to ensure your reader cannot simply write off changes across functions.

Anderson's entry also takes the approach of having every variable be not just global, but a char or pointer to/array of chars, which is merely incidental in our program. This means that any context the reader may have gleaned from the type is also removed.

Example 1

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

unsigned char a[2], c; char **x;

void f(void)
    // C still has 255 from decrementing in n() - we can use that here!
    if (c - *a < *(a+1))
        c = *a + *(a+1);

void g(void)
    printf("Sum: %i\n", c);

void p(void)
    // Split into own function to make logic less obvious in main()
    a[c] = strtoul(x[c+1], NULL, 10);

void n(void)
    while (c--) { p(); };

int main(int b, char *m[])
    if (b < 3) { return 1; }
    x = m;
    c = 2;

    n(); f(); g();

This is better, but still readable. While it is difficult to figure out the function of the entire program from any specific function, its still not hard to grok the functions and how they interact with each other. f() is especially readable - its function is pretty obvious, and it tells a reader a lot about how the variables are used.

Short-Circuit Evaluation

C evaluates logical operators from left to right. For some operators, it can discern what the result will be without having to evaluate all the expressions that operator's output depends on. For example, C knows that 0 && x() will always be 0, no matter what the value of x is. C will 'short-circuit' the evaluation of the operator, and leave the right hand expression alone, which has important implications if that function has side-effects.

This allows us to save space and decrease readability by replacing if statements with && and ||. Not only this, but when combined with other operators to make more complex statements, you can add a few extra seconds of latency to a reader's understanding of the code.

Example 2

void f(void)
    c += c - *a < *(a+1) || (c = *a - 1 + *(a+1));

int main(int b, char *m[])
    b > 2 && (x = m), (c = 2), n(), f(), g();

One downside to using this approach is that these operators cannot involve functions that return void, though as we'll see this can be worked around and even used to our advantage.

Implicit Return

In C, you can write a function returning a value without writing any return expressions in its implementation. Using the return value is undefined behaviour, but for our purposes we don't particularly care - we just want to tell the compiler our function can be used in expressions where it expects a return value. We don't want to use this value purposefully (it's undefined behaviour to do so) but it fits nicely into the short-circuit evaluation discussed above.

Additionally, although warnings will be given in C99+, if we give no return type then it will infer it to return int, so we give our reader even less information. You could also give any other return type, for the purposes of misleading your reader.

    c += c - *a < *(a+1) || (c = *a - 1 + *(a+1));

    printf("Sum: %i\n", c);

    a[c] = strtoul(x[c+1], NULL, 10);

    c-- && (p(), n());

int main(int b, char *m[])
    b > 2 && (x = m), (c = 2), n(), f(), g();

Our program is starting to look evil now. One painful point is the need to seperate functions so much in our logical statements, as our reader gets a clear view of the order of execution. We will now strive to bring them together in a terrible way.

K&R-Style Initialiser Lists

Function declarations in C suffer from 2 problems: implicit return types, as explored above, and old-school initialiser lists. The meaning of initialiser lists has evolved with C++, but in C they allow us to eject the input of the function, and initialise them after the function declaration itself. However, if one wishes to be evil, we can simply initialise nothing, and without explicitly declaring the function as taking void, give both the reader and the compiler no information whatsover about how the function should be used.

Since the compiler does not know if the function has variables it would like to assign from input, we can give the function input at the call site. Where the function is called, the expression within the brackets is evaluated before the function, leading to a fun reading effect where reading the expression from left to right is very misleading - see our main function below.

Example 4

    c += c - *a < *(a+1) || (c = *a - 1 + *(a+1));

    printf("Sum: %i\n", c);

    a[c] = strtoul(x[c+1], NULL, 10);

    c-- && n(p());

int main(int b, char *m[])
    b > 2 && f(n(x = m), c = 2), g();

Wrong-side Indexing

In C, the expression a[b], where a is an array or pointer type and b is an index, is essentially syntactic sugar for *(a+b). This is true to the extent that a[b] == b[a], which reads completely nonsensensically when considered semantically (you can't index an index with an array).

Example 5

    c += c - *a < (*x++[0] = 1)[a] || (c = *a - 1 + *(a+1));

    c[a] = strtoul(*(1+c+x), NULL, 10);


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

unsigned char a[2], c; char **x;

    c += c - *a < (*x++[0] = 1)[a] || (c = *a - 1 + *(a+1));

    printf("Sum: %i\n", c);

    c[a] = strtoul(*(1+c+x), NULL, 10);

    c-- && n(p());

int main(int b, char *m[])
    b > 2 && f(n(x = m), c = 2), g();

Interlude: ASCII Art

Let's take this time to make our program look pretty (pretty unreadable, heh). I don't know how the pros tend to do this, but I like to split my program into roughly equal blocks, which you can generally increase and decrease in length by adding spaces and semicolons where appropriate.

Here I've made the program into a cross, because it's easy and "cleverly" constrasts the program's function, which is to sum.

Final Program

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

unsigned                   char a[2]
  ,c; char               **x;f(){c
    +=c-*a<(           *x++[0]=1
      )[a]||(c       =*a-1+*(a
        +1));}g(   ){printf(
         "Sum: %i\n",c);}p
         (){c[a] = strtoul
        (*(1+c+x   ),NULL,10
      );}n(){c       --&&n(p()
    );}; int           main( int
  b,char*m               []){b>2&&
f(n(x=m),                  c=2),g();}

How could it be worse?

The anderson.c file follows some good style: each function in the code performs some specific task, and the hierarchy of function calls is understandable. There is no reason that this should necessarily be the case, however >:)

We also do not discuss macro obfuscation, which is found in a large set of programs that bless the IOCCC. It should be clear that a large number of such techniques are useless once the preprocessor is applied to the source, but clever combinations of macros leads to some very non-intuitive behaviour.

Finally, there is no reason to use something as neat as a set of variables to hold program state, especially if we are using chars. A large array of values without clear use, differentiated by offsets and lengths that often overlap each other and are modified within other parts of the program, is particularly devious.

I hope that this exploration into C's interesting perspective on syntax and semantics has been enjoyable and, somehow, useful for you. Alongside anderson, some key standout entries that I have enjoyed a lot come from endoh and yang, well worth a search on the leeterboard.